The Spring Lady and The Snow Prince

Keisha Elyoni
1 min readNov 2, 2021

Once lived a girl born in the heart of Spring
Smiles as bright as the sunflowers
Her touch lingers like the warmth of Sun
Often she sits under big trees
Telling stories and hearing others’ talk

One day she met a snow prince
He is gracious and sharp but kind of gloomy
After travelling far and wide from his glass castle
He lost his way to a place that is not his
Yet he does not feel out of place

The Spring Lady and the Winter Prince became friends
She teaches him the language of flowers
He tells how to take care when it is cold outside
Everyone learns there’s tenderness in cold every time the prince smiles
He too grows fond of the sun’s heat and everything under it

But one day the snow prince announces he has to go home
Something he already sees coming
During all afternoon he spent sitting on the warm grass
He has come to love the warm and bright field
But it is not his home, he realized that after he left his

The lady nods, for all those times too she sees
Sentient ice breeze coming off the prince all the time
Even when he’s dancing to the Spring equinox hymns
He doesn’t frost people he hates anymore like when he first came
But what makes his heart warm is still of white hills and shiny ice

Author’s note
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Keisha Elyoni

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