About Love

One of the essays I wrote for school in 2018

Keisha Elyoni
2 min readApr 2, 2020

Four years ago, I read a book called The Giver by Lois Lowry. The book portrayed future society as controlled in every way, even down to who is going to be your parents, significant others, and children. People also don’t know what love is. They have no idea because such strong emotion doesn’t exist, let alone experience it. This is all done to ensure world peace. No one feels something big is missing because they also have no memory or knowledge about the world before the controlled one. The loveless world they live in is perfect. It gives equality of everything to everyone like the economy, career, education, race, et cetera. But it has to sacrifice the core of humanity to gain that. To this day, this book has the biggest impact on my perception of emotions, and especially love.

I started to think about what love truly is after reading that book. I came to the conclusion that love is the deepest and strongest feeling that you can have. Most of the time, it makes you happy and motivated. But it can also be the source of your negative feelings. People usually think about a couple when they hear the word “love”. They are not wrong, but we also can’t forget about love in parenthood, siblinghood, and friendship that is just as powerful as romantic love. There’s also love towards something else like hobbies, jobs, or life vision and mission which we usually called passion.

I’m sure we all have seen and heard about many grand gestures of love. As a Christian, the greatest example is Jesus sacrificing himself for all of us because of his undying love. That kind of love gives us the motivation to live our best life. Love makes people work hard for their family’s life, give a hand to those who are struggling, help and support each other. Love makes people do a lot of things from basic common stuff to touching gesture that only a few people have the power to do. It makes people willing to spend their time, even for years doing something remarkable that will become their legacy to the world.

Love is powerful and important in our life. It has existed right from when the world is created and it has never gone throughout human existence. To imagine a world without love is impossible. No other thing can make people do that. Without love, the world will suffer and ordinary. There will be no people inspiring each other with their act of love. Its what keeps the world evolving. Love makes the world better.

Edited and was originally written in September 2018.



Keisha Elyoni

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